1.1. Overview of Spring Boot

 1.1. Overview of Spring Boot:

- Explanation of Spring Boot's philosophy and approach
- Comparison of Spring Boot to traditional Spring and other Java frameworks
- Explanation of how Spring Boot simplifies the development process

1.2. Advantages of Spring Boot:
- Discussion of the benefits of using Spring Boot for application development
- Overview of key features such as auto-configuration, starters, and the embedded server
- Comparison of Spring Boot to other popular Java frameworks

1.3. Getting started with Spring Boot:
- Step-by-step guide to setting up a Spring Boot project
- Overview of the different ways to use Spring Boot (i.e. Maven, Gradle, Spring Tool Suite, etc.)
- Explanation of how to run and test Spring Boot applications

1.4. Key features and concepts of Spring Boot:
- Overview of important Spring Boot concepts like auto-configuration, starters, and dependency injection
- Explanation of how to use Spring Boot annotations and properties to configure your application
- Discussion of how to use the Actuator library to monitor and manage your application

1.5. Building a simple Spring Boot application:
- Example of building a basic Spring Boot application from scratch
- Explanation of how to use Spring Boot to create a RESTful API, connect to a database, and handle exceptions
- Overview of how to deploy and monitor your application with Spring Boot
