1.1.1 Explanation of Spring Boot's philosophy and approach
1. Convention over Configuration: Spring Boot follows the "opinionated" approach to software development, meaning that it provides sensible defaults and conventions that make it easy to develop applications quickly and consistently. For example, Spring Boot auto-configures many components based on the dependencies you include in your project, so you don't need to spend time manually configuring your application. Convention over Configuration is a key principle in Spring Boot, and it is used in many areas of the framework. Here are some examples of how Spring Boot uses Convention over Configuration: 1. Auto-configuration: Spring Boot automatically configures many components based on the dependencies you include in your project. For example, if you include the spring-boot-starter-data-jpa dependency in your project, Spring Boot will automatically configure a DataSource , EntityManagerFactory , and TransactionManager to work with JPA. When you include the spring-boot-sta...